Getting Started

New to Ocean? The following sections describe how to install Ocean tools, what they are and how they fit together, and give examples of using them to solve hard problems on a D-Wave quantum computer.

Initial Set Up

Install the tools and configure for running on a D-Wave system (QPU) or locally (CPU/GPU).

Overview of Ocean Software

Learn how problems are formulated for solution on D-Wave systems using Ocean tools.


See how Ocean tools are used with these end-to-end examples.

Beginner-Level Examples

Intermediate-Level Examples

Advanced-Level Examples


Copy (clone) open-source code to run demos of solving known problems on a D-Wave system.

  • Circuit Fault Diagnosis

    Demonstrates the use of the D-Wave system to solve circuit fault diagnosis, the problem of identifying a minimum-sized set of components that, if faulty, explains an observation of incorrect outputs given a set of inputs.

  • Factoring

    Demonstrates the use of the D-Wave system to factor numbers in an entirely new way, by turning a multiplication circuit into a constraint satisfaction problem that allows the quantum computer to compute inputs from a predefined output. Essentially, this means running the multiplication circuit in reverse.

  • Structural Imbalance

    Demonstrates the use of the D-Wave system for analyzing the structural imbalance on a signed social network. This demo calculates and shows structural imbalance for social networks of militant organization based on data from the Stanford Militants Mapping Project.

Additional Tutorials

  • Getting Started with the D-Wave System

    This guide in the System Documentation introduces the D-Wave quantum computer, provides some key background information on how the system works, and explains how to construct a simple problem that the system can solve.

  • D-Wave Problem-Solving Handbook

    This guide for more advanced users has an opening chapter of illustrative examples that explain the main steps of solving problems on the D-Wave system through two “toy” problems.

  • Leap

    Leap includes Jupyter Notebooks that provide additional tutorial examples and a framework to help you develop your own code.